Dispensing Oral Doses 795 (Best Practice)

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mark heelon
mark heelon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 hour ago
Joined: 09/05/2014 - 08:51
Dispensing Oral Doses 795 (Best Practice)

What is the best practice when dispensing oral syringes (795) to patient floors?

a)Stocked Standard Concentration Dose/Volume (Ferrous Sulfate 7.5 mg/0.5 ml's

B) Dose rounding (130 mg dose rounded to 160 mg)

b) Patient specific dose/volume (exact dose and volume)

c) Other

1. What is the average volume per day and staff needed to prepare 795 doses?
2. Are there any exceptions, or are all of your oral liquids handled the same?
3. Do you utilize any technology to help prepare patient specific dosing?
4. How are narcotics and hazardous medications handled?
5. Is there a cost savings preparing patient specific dosing?
