IV Bactrim Flush and Maintenance Fluid Compatibility

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Courtney Doellner
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Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 01/12/2021 - 10:49
IV Bactrim Flush and Maintenance Fluid Compatibility

Hi All,

A question was raised at our institution regarding best practices for flush and maintenance fluid compatibility with IV Bactrim. I am hoping to learn more about standard practices across the country with regards to this specific medication combination as the compatibility data is dependent upon concentration and time in-line.

Does nursing flush with 0.9% NaCl following administration of IV Bactrim?
If so, have you had any reported precipitation events?
Do you allow IV Bactrim doses to be administered via y-site with a maintenance fluid containing 0.9% NaCl?

If D5W flushes are used, does pharmacy prepare syringes to dispense with IV Bactrim doses? Or does nursing draw from a stock floor bag to use as the flush?
If D5W is used, is there any verbiage in the EHR for nursing to alert them to this?

Thank you in advance!

Courtney Doellner, PharmD, BCPPS
Pediatric Medication Safety Officer