Change to TPN check process with EHR-ExactaMix interoperability?

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Karen Thompson
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Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 05/03/2009 - 02:30
Change to TPN check process with EHR-ExactaMix interoperability?

We will soon have a direct connection between our EHR (Epic) and our ExactaMix TPN compounder. This eliminates having to transcribe TPN orders into Abacus, which is a big step to reduce errors and improve efficiency! I am now rethinking all of the double checks we have done historically with TPNs, and wondering if they are still necessary. Obviously, there is no longer a need for a 2nd RPh to check the transcription step since it doesn't exist. I am now wondering if there is still a need for 2 RNs to confirm the amounts of each ingredient in the TPN label. Historically, they would compare each ingredient on the bag label to the amounts ordered. Now that the EHR sends the order directly to the compounder, I don't think it is possible for the ingredients to be different. It seems like all the RN needs to do is verify they have the correct bag for the correct patient, which is accomplished via a barcode scan. Has anyone else cut back on double checks after introducing this type of interoperability? Is there still a potential for error that I'm not thinking about??