PRN doses adminsitered in lieu of scheduled doses

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Carley Castelein
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Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 07/28/2019 - 10:57
PRN doses adminsitered in lieu of scheduled doses

Hi Everyone,
We have seen a few repeat incidents in which the PRN dose of a medication has been administered in lieu of the scheduled dose, the medications are the same but the doses are different. All of the patient’s medications are stored in their med bin except for controlled substances which are stored in a Pyxis holding drawer. We have unfortunately seen occurrences with both controlled and non-controlled substances. I am curious as to what other institutions have done to prevent this from occurring or if it isn’t occurring, what process do you utilize with ordering, dispensing and administration of PRN medications or storage of PRN medications?

Thank you in advance,
Carley Castelein, PharmD
Medication Safety Pharmacy Resident